PDPA in Publications
Manjusri Secondary seeks to provide rich and meaningful learning experiences for our students through various activities. The school may take photographs or video images during curriculum time, school activities, rehearsals, SYF Arts Presentation, National School Games and any organised external competitions, and photograph(s) or video image(s) of your child/ward may be captured. We may use and publish such photographs and/or video recordings in school publications, website, social media channels, and other official school communication channels.
Photographs or videos, which feature your child/ward, may therefore appear in the public domain. We wish to assure you that we will always portray our students with respect and dignity.
Please inform the school through an email to the school’s email address at manjusri_ss@moe.edu.sg should you wish that your child’s/ward’s photograph(s) and video image(s) not to be used in official school communication channels.